
Effect of Curative Systems on the Properties of High Temperature Resistant Silicone Rubber

Silicone rubber is a class of elastomers known for its durability, flexibility, thermal stability, and resistance to chemicals. Owing to its excellent properties, high temperature resistant silicone rubber has been widely used in various industries. However, the properties of silicone rubber, including its thermal stability, largely depend on the curative systems used during its manufacturing process. In this article, we will discuss the effect of curative systems on the properties of high temperature resistant silicone rubber.

What is high temperature resistant silicone rubber?

High temperature resistant silicone rubber is a class of silicone rubber designed to withstand exposure to high temperatures. It is commonly used in applications such as aerospace, automotive, and electrical industries, as it has excellent thermal stability and resistance to heat. The material can operate efficiently at temperatures ranging from -70°C to 300°C.

Curative systems for high temperature resistant silicone rubber

A curative system is a blend of chemicals that are added to silicone rubber during its production to improve its properties. The selection of the appropriate curative system depends on the application and the desired properties of the final product. There are various types of curatives used in the production of high temperature resistant silicone rubber, including:


Peroxide curatives are commonly used in the production of high-performance silicone rubber. They promote the vulcanization of the rubber molecule, resulting in a highly cross-linked polymer structure. This structure provides the rubber with excellent thermal stability, high tensile strength, and good tear resistance.


Platinum-catalyzed curatives are used in applications that require the highest degree of purity and are commonly used in medical and food-contact applications. The curative system offers good processing stability, low toxicity, and excellent thermal stability.


Addition-cured curatives are used in the production of silicone rubber that requires low compression set, high rebound, and excellent resistance to compression. The curative system provides the rubber with good thermal stability, toughness, and excellent tear resistance.

Effects of curative systems on the properties of high temperature resistant silicone rubber

The selection of the appropriate curative system is essential to ensure that high temperature resistant silicone rubber has excellent properties. The curative system used during production can have a significant impact on the final properties of the silicone rubber, including:

Thermal stability

The type of curative system used influences the thermal stability of the silicone rubber. Peroxide-cured systems provide the best heat resistance, followed by platinum-catalyzed and addition-cured systems.

Tensile and tear strength

The curative system can also affect the tensile and tear strength of the silicone rubber. Peroxide-cured systems offer the best tensile and tear strength, followed by platinum-catalyzed and addition-cured systems.

Compression set

Compression set measures the ability of silicone rubber to recover its original shape after undergoing compression. Addition-cured systems offer the best resistance to compression set, followed by platinum-catalyzed and peroxide-cured systems.

In conclusion, high temperature resistant silicone rubber is a widely used material in various industries. The properties of the material largely depend on the curative system used during its manufacturing process. The selection of the appropriate curative system is essential to ensure that high temperature resistant silicone rubber has excellent properties such as thermal stability, tensile and tear strength, and low compression set. With the right curative system, high temperature resistant silicone rubber can offer superior performance in high-temperature applications.
